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The article is devoted to the actual educational problem – the
development of a competitive specialist in college. The essence, content
and structure of the concept of «competitiveness», the content of the
individual's competitiveness of a specialist as a systemic phenomenon
from different scientific positions are revealed.
We understand the competitiveness of a specialist as a generalized
characteristic of college graduates, which is the result of the integration of
its value-semantic, communicative, activity, self-education and creative
competencies, which ensure its self-confidence and the ability to
withstand competition in the labor market in modern conditions.
It is established that at present the theory and practice of vocational
education does not provide the qualitative training of a competitive
specialist to the fullest extent. This is due to insufficient development of
theoretical preconditions and practical recommendations for the
Вісник післядипломної освіти. Випуск 8(37) «Серія «Педагогічні науки»‐7650
organization and implementation of the educational process for the
development of a competitive specialist.
However, the labor market requires professionals who are able and
willing to work, able to quickly adapt to constantly changing conditions,
are set to achieve their own goals and goals of the enterprise. Thus, there
are contradictions between the requirements put forward by the modern
labor market to the graduate, and the unwillingness of the college to
develop a competitive specialist.
In the framework of the study of the problem, we developed a model for
the development of a competitive specialist in college. The model includes
the following interconnected components: target, content, activity and
performance. As a result of the analysis, we came to the conclusion that a
competitor takes responsibility for his own results and achievements. It is
characterized by the desire to act consciously and purposefully, focusing
on the goals of learning, as well as the goals of self-development as a
competitive personality.

Last modified: 2020-02-27 22:06:28