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Editorial Council of the Center for Open Access in Science calls experts from universities for the position of Editor-in-Chief for the Open Journal for Educational Research (OJER).
The experts from the area of science of education can apply for this position.
The OJER, as an international multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed online open access academic journal, publishes academic articles deal with different problems and topics in various areas of the science of education (theory of education, history of education, preschool education, adult education, learning, development, instruction, teaching, methodology of educational research, etc.).
The OJER is already indexed in Crossref (DOI), ERIH PLUS, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ResearchBib, OAJI (Open Academic Journals Index) and J-Gate, and is applied for indexing in the other bases.

Last modified: 2020-07-15 13:20:15