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Post-doc position in Wireless Networks for Industry 4.0 at Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche

Country/Region : Spain

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The position is offered in the framework of the European H2020 AUTOWARE (Wireless Autonomous, Reliable and Resilient ProductIon Operation ARchitecture for Cognitive Manufacturing, research project. The project will develop IoT/5G and cloud networking solutions for improving the digitalization and flexibility of factories in the context of the Industry 4.0. Within the project, the UWICORE laboratory at UMH is in charge of designing flexible and reconfigurable industrial wireless networks to efficiently and reliably support the flexible reconfiguration of future industrial systems. To this aim, the project has already defined an AUTOWARE reference communication architecture (see “A Software Defined Hierarchical Communication and Data Management Architecture for Industry 4.0” available at with a hybrid management that combines local and decentralized management with centralized decisions to efficiently use the available communication resources. In this context, the post-doc will work on solutions for self-organizing cellular networks that support Industry 4.0 applications and scenarios including: RAN slicing and radio resource management, and the use of artificial intelligence techniques for reconfigurable cellular networks (with a RAN focus). The work will require the design and evaluation of protocols mainly through simulations and numerical evaluations. Theoretical analyses can be also expected when appropriate and feasible.
Candidate profile
Candidates should have a PhD in Telecommunications, Electrical, or Computer Engineering (or closely related disciplines), and a proven track record of publications in relevant journals and conferences. Preferably, the candidate should have done the PhD or have experience in one of the following research topics: RAN slicing, radio resource management, AI applied to cellular network management, industrial wireless networks, 5G. The candidate should have good programing and simulation skills. Good written and spoken communication skills in English are required, as well as team working skills and availability to travel.
- Application deadline: continuous evaluation until the position is filled
- Salary: EUR 30300 annual gross salary. Contract: 12 months.
- Starting date: ASAP from May 2018.
- Non EU-candidates should have an EU working permit.
Interested candidates should send their application using the form: Applications will be continuously evaluated upon reception, and phone interviews will be organized with the selected candidates until the position is filled. For any additional information, you can email Dra. M.C. Lucas Estañ ( and Prof. J. Gozalvez (
The UWICORE laboratory (Ubiquitous Wireless Communications Research laboratory, is part of the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche in Spain ( The lab activities focus on: industrial wireless networks, vehicular networks, and device-centric wireless communications and networking (including multi-hop cellular networks and D2D). The laboratory has significant expertise in the design of wireless networking protocols, resource management and medium access control techniques, system design and optimization, and experimental prototyping. The lab has a strong track record of collaboration with industry, and participation in collaborative European and national projects.

Last modified: 2018-03-29 10:20:48