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Post-doc position opening at École Polytechnique de Montréal

Country/Region : Canada

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The Departement of Computer and Software Engineering at the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, opens one post-doctoral research position in Machine Learning and Data Mining.
Project: Automated monitoring and debugging of large scale manycore heterogeneous systems
Supervisor: Daniel Aloise
Job Description: The post-doc will work on the automatic control of tracing, monitoring and debugging sessions in the monitored systems. Given the increasing systems sophistication and the thousands of cores, new machine learning algorithms are on demand to automate the analysis of the extracted monitoring data, thus reducing the manual intervention required to detect, diagnose and correct problems.
Contract : The annual gross salary is roughly $67,000 CAN. This position may be renewable annually to a maximum of three years.
Requirements: The position is primarily aimed at recently graduated doctoral students (0-4 years from completing their Ph.D.)
Application: Please send your application before February 15, 2018, to Applications should include curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and two contacts information for recommendation letters.

Last modified: 2018-01-17 09:44:25