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Open Positions on Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis in Guangdong Provincial Key Lab

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We currently have 3 Open Positions in Guangdong Provincial Key Lab. of Petrochemical Equipment Fault Diagnosis in China,
and we are looking for 3 candidates to fullfill these positions with research interests for "Big Data and Fault Diagnosis" to further
conduct our existing major Guangdong Provincial project: "Sino-UK Fault Diagnosis Innovation Platform".
More detailed information:
The following are the specific areas of concern:
I. Recruitment Targets and Conditions
A. Expatriates with PhD academic degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Control Science and Engineering.
B. Comply with the laws of People’s Republic of China.
C. Age requirement: Full Professor should be under the age of 45 (possible exceptions up to age 52). Associate Professor should be under age 40 (possible exceptions up to age 45). Assistant professor (lecturer) should be within age 32 (possible exceptions to age 37).
D. Four-year service contract.
II. Salary, Funding, and Housing
A. Adopt annual salary system: A full professor enjoys pre-tax annual salary of RMB 330 thousand (about 50 thousand U.S. dollars); an associate professor enjoys pre-tax annual salary of RMB 260 thousand (about 40 thousand U. S. dollars); the salary for excellent experts could be negotiated.
B. Start-up funds for scientific research: RMB 500 thousand for Science and Engineering full professor; RMB 400 thousand for associate professor; RMB 300 thousand for assistant professor (lecturer); RMB 250 thousand for Humanities and Social Sciences full professor; RMB 200 thousand for associate professor and RMB 150 thousand for assistant professor (or Lecturer).
C. Free apartment: If the applicant signs a contract for eight years and intends to purchase an urban house in Maoming City, an installation fee and housing subsidy of RMB500 thousand will be offered for full professor, RMB 400 thousand for associate professor and RMB 300 thousand for assistant professor(lecturer).
D. The posts are not included in career preparation. And we do not provide job for spouse.
III. Job Responsibilities and Performance Requirements
A. Job Responsibilities
1. The applicant will be engaged in teaching and scientific research.
2. The full professor and associate professor will undertake the guidance and training of postgraduates and establish a collaborative relationship with overseas colleges/universities.
3. The Confidential Agreement will be signed by the applicant for carrying out scientific research within the duration of employment.
B. Performance Requirements within the Duration of Employment
1. For Full Professor
a. The teaching workload is four classes or more per week.
b. Science and Engineering applicant should publish eight papers in SCI as first author or correspondent author. At least one paper in SCI I Area should be covered; one or two papers should be published as the first author or correspondent author in SCI II Area. Humanities and Social Sciences applicant should publish six papers in SSC I or A&HCI as the first author or correspondent author.
2. For Associate Professor
a. The teaching workload is five classes or more each week.
b. The Science and Engineering applicant should publish eight SCI articles, at least one article in SCI I area covered or two papers in SCI II area are included as the first author or correspondent author.
3. For Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
a. The teaching workload is six classes or more per week.
b. The Science and Engineering applicant should publish six SCI papers and two papers in SCI II area as the first author or correspondent author. Four representative articles in SSCI or A&HCI should be published by Humanities and Social Sciences applicant as the first author or correspondent author.
IV. Recruitment Procedure
A. The applicant must submit:
1. Curriculum vitae.
2. Certificate of Education (Degree); Certificate of Professional and Technical Qualification; Certificate of Award; proof materials of scientific research; major works and papers; copies of scientific research achievements.
3. Letter of Recommendation from two peer experts.
4. The prospection and plan for research work
The above materials are expected to be packed and sent to the mailbox and The materials will not be returned. The GDUPT select the best experts according to the materials and verify the personnel list for examination (assessment).
A. The examination will be organized by the GDUPT. All the applicants should prepare ID card, original certificates and original proof materials of scientific research achievements.
B. The applicants who are qualified following the examination are required to take a medical examination according to the Physical Examination Standard of Teachers' Qualification Application in Guangdong Province. The fees will be paid by the applicants themselves.
C. After the examination and the physical examination are completed, the applicant will be hired if the school approves of the application and no objection to the employment is put forward during the public disclosure.
V. Recruitment Management
A. The GDUPT implements the appointment system with a four-year term of service as well as a probation period of six months. After the probation, the school will decide whether you are competent or not according to your performance.
B. Salary Management
1. 90% of the annual salary will be paid according to the agreement; the remaining will be granted once the tasks during a four-year term of service are accomplished.
2. Extra remuneration will be given according to the school’s salary management if the teaching and scientific research achievements, except the teaching and scientific research under the agreement, are exceeded.
VI. Breach of the Contract
A. If the contract is breached for failing the completion of average annual amount of scientific research, the remaining salary will not be paid.
B. If the contract is breached for not completing the average annual amount of scientific research, the breach fee will be paid depending in the light of the unfinished amount of scientific research that year and your departure time, which will be carried out based on the specific employment agreement.
C. Installation fee and housing subsidy should be returned if they have been issued.

Last modified: 2016-11-19 22:56:39