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Postdoc positions on behalf of a network at Guangzhou university

Country/Region : China

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The postdoc candidates will work in Guangzhou university
Postdoc/Visiting Scholar Positions in Security and Cryptography
The security group in Guangzhou University, is looking for 4-5 excellent Postdoc researchers and visiting scholars. The research topics currently investigated in our group include
Security and Privacy
Security in Cloud Computing
For any interested applicants, please contact and send your CV to Jin Li directly ( . The postdoctoral position is for 2 years with possibilities of renewal. The starting date is immediate starting from June 1, 2016.
Successful candidate(s) will receive a competitive salary (around 40,000 USD-50,000 USD/per year) as well as research funding around 30,000USD.
Contact: Jin Li
More Information about Jin Li’s research:

Last modified: 2016-11-19 22:33:02