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PhD Student-Assistants Position at The Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana

Country/Region : Slovakia

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Apply for PhD Student-Assistants Position in 2015/16
The Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana offers five PhD Student-Assistant positions for four years (3 years of study and an additional year) starting in academic year 2015/2016. The position offers:
- covered tuition fees for PhD study
- a monthly salary depending on the candidate's performance.
The call is open for students who are applying for the Computer and Information Science doctoral programme at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in the 2015/2016 academic year, and who fulfil all enrolment requirements as stated in the call for applications (
In addition to regular coursework required for doctoral study programme, the obligations of PhD Students-Assistants also include 30 hours per week of participation in the supervisor's research lab as well as drafting and correcting coursework and exams, and consulting the students for 10 hours per week.
Research Topics:
The research work carried out in our 19 research laboratories is very diverse. The research is particularly intense in the field of artificial intelligence and related disciplines, such as machine learning, data mining and computer vision, and applied to different domains from bioinformatics and cognitive modelling to intelligent robotics. Another important research area is data acquisition and management as well as integration of information systems. We are addressing various other research questions from different fields of computer science, information science and software engineering.
More information on research activities can be found in the survey of activities:
About the Faculty:
The Faculty of Computer and Information Science is the leading teaching and research institution in the field of Computer Science in Slovenia, and in spite of its comparatively short history it has a number of active research groups, as well as a lengthy roster of alumni, some of whom have achieved distinction in various fields of computer science in Slovenia and abroad.
In 2014, the Faculty relocated to a new premises in Brdo pri Ljubljani. This was the result of a several year-long project to build new facilities for the Faculty of Computer and Information Science and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. It is also the largest project in Slovenia to be co-funded by the European Union and the largest investment in the history of the University of Ljubljana. (
Application Deadline:
The positions are available starting 1 October 2015 and is available for 4 years. For candidates which are not Slovenian nationals, the official deadline for application is 15 May 2015, due to procedures related to recognition of education and residency permits. If foreign candidates are late with applications, they can also apply until 28 August 2015, but we would like to stress the importance of completing all formalities in time.
Contact Details:
For any additional information about the call for applications or doctoral studies at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, please direct your enquires to Student Affairs (

Last modified: 2015-05-25 21:44:58